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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Letter to Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Mayor of Lucknow

Dear Dr. Sharma,

Earlier I had written to you about the menacing levels of pollution resulting from widespread practice of burning garbage on the streets.

The letter today is meant to draw your attention to the menace of stray animals on the road that, unfortunately, include cows too that are loved by all of us.  This love is sometimes overshadowed by trepidation when we find a whole cowherd headed our way with two of them fighting with their horns interlocked.  People do get pushed and hurt.  The herds also have one or two bulls whose presence itself is menacing.

It would seem that these cows are owned by people in the embedded villages in the colony and they have trained them to roam around for food and return to them for milking.  Religious minded people do keep on offering food to these cows reinforcing their behavior.  They are also attracted by the uncollected garbage that lies around at dumping centers as mentioned in my previous letter.

The bigger threat is from bulls that accompany the horde and are apparently not owned by anybody.  These must be those few male calves who could manage to escape the cattle smugglers or have been protected for reproduction purposes.  They are aggressive, look menacing and cause hurts to pedestrians.

Monkeys too have become a terror and are routinely visiting residential areas and doing substantial damages to gardens, cables, overhead tanks and also biting people.  Street dogs too are a menace.

If we want Lucknow to be a modern city, we must free the city of stray cattle, monkeys and dogs.  The LMC will do good to proactively comb the residential areas for stray cattle instead of waiting for a complaint.  Many a times these cattle come out after dusk when the offices are closed.

I am sure that the matter will receive your attention and lead to some action on the ground for making the city safe and clean.  This will also be a step towards making a smart city as visualized by our Prime Minister.


AK Upadhyaya
18/428 Indira Nagar
Lucknow - 16.

Mob: 9044275658

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