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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Poor Fishermen And The Mighty Navy

The TV images of exercises carried out by our mighty navy dazzle us with the display of navy's might.  The same media also brings to us the news of hapless fishermen being caught by Pakistan and Sri Lanka on the grounds of tresspass and then rotting in their jails.  We also know of terror attempts that find the sea route an easy option for infiltration.

We have fenced our land borders with Pakistan and have deployed the BSF to check infiltration as well as prevent our own citizens from walking into alien territory.  Can something similar not be done on our sea boundaries with the said two countries?

The idea is to guard the entire maritime boundary and not merely the coasts.  Can some kind of markers be put in the waters to help fishermen know where one country's jurisdiction ends?  Can we also have a strip of no man's waters as a guard band?  With our maritime might it should not be too difficult.

Comments from those with better knowledge of maritime affairs are welcome.

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