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Dear Readers,

Thank you, indeed. The number of page views crossed 15K on Nov. 1, 2016.

A compilation of the blog posts up to first quarter of 2016 has been published and is available on Smashwords, Amazon (Kindle store), and Google Books.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Election Season Prayer

Our boss(es) in the High Command, blessed be the family name.
Thy government come, Thy will be done in future scams as in the past ones.
Give me this season the Lok Sabha ticket,
Make me a minister as you made even those who deserted you in the end.
Do not succumb to the pressure from Aam Aadmi but deliver us from the CBI.


Friday, March 15, 2013

कुछ दोहे मच्छरों पर

जलता कछुआ देख कर दिया मास्क्विटो रोय
मैं बाहर हूँ टापता, मानुष अंदर सोय.

तुलसी पंछी के पिए घटे न सरिता नीर,
मच्छर से न अनीमिया पर डेंगू है गंभीर.

मच्छर रखो पास में कछुआ देव बुझाय
मेरी तो मंशा यही बस पूरी हो जाय.

चलता जो बिजली का रैकेट छुवत भस्म कर जाय,
मच्छर हुआ तो क्या हुआ मैं क्या प्राणी नांय?

मच्छरों के स्कूलों में प्रातःकालीन प्रार्थना:

  तू प्यार का सागर है, तेरी एक बूँद के प्यासे हम......

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Does it make sense to invest in Pension Plans?

Ten long years ago I decided to invest in a pension plan.  The scheme I chose was from HDFC.  The investment was fixed at 10 yearly installments of Rs. 10,000/= each. However there was no assurance about any minimum payout and it was going to be dictated by the market.  Back-of-the-envelope calculations showed that taking the return at 10% p.a with yearly compounding the maturity value should be Rs. 1.75 lakhs (It would be higher with quarterly compounding.)  Also the pension on this corpus at the same rate should be 17,500/= per annum if the corpus was to be returned to legal heirs on death of the pension holder.  In case the annuitant chose for annuity without any return of corpus on his death, the return should be even higher.

All the calculations have fallen flat on the ground.  The total maturity value was Rs. 1.4 lakh approximately.  Here is what was offered to me by HDFC on maturity (PLEASE ZOOM TO 200%):

And lest you should forget, let me remind you that this annuity income is liable to be taxed in your hand.  This means a deduction of 10 to 30 percent depending on your other income.

To top it all, during the past few years I was being charged service tax on the annual premium paid by me.  Then again I have had to pay service tax on the amount being invested in annuities.  The tax on a investment in annuities of Rs. one lakh comes to Rs. 3,019.

I have chosen to invest the mandatory portion of annuity purchase with LICI who are offering a very slightly  higher annuity.  This could be possible under the Open Market Option which has to be compulsorily offered to the investor.

This raises serious doubts about the fate of the new employees being covered under "defined contribution" pension scheme which will work on these very lines.  Notwithstanding our government's dislike for it, investment in gold will be a far far superior option.  Real estate, too, will be a good or a better choice.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

मोदी की दावेदारी

मोदीजी खम ठोंक कर हैं आ गए मैदान में,
मनमोहन कुर्सी पर अपनी बैठे हैं गहरे ध्यान में,
जो समझ में आई ना जनता को वह है बात यह,
क्यों देर हो रही है मोदी की अगुआई के ऐलान में.

Monday, March 4, 2013

DDS (Deep Distrust Syndrome)

Recently while in the check-out queue at a retail store I was watching a couple make payment for their purchases.  The lady took out a fresh packet of one hundred rupee notes and separated a bunch looking at the distinctive numbers.  Perhaps unsure of her arithmetic, she started counting the notes while the cashier and her husband looked on attentively.  Then she passed it on to, no, not the cashier but her husband.  He also counted the notes with the same thoroughness while the wife and the cashier looked on.  Next, of course, it was the cashier's turn to count the notes.  And the couple did focus their total attention at the cashier while he was at it.  And finally with the return of some change the payment was successfully completed and everyone in the queue heaved a sigh of relief.

I think this behavior is a symptom of the DDS (Deep Distrust Syndrome) pervading our society.  The distrust is towards organizations / institutions as well as individuals manning these.  The following also result from this DDS:
  • If an accident takes place, the mob adopts a your-money-or-your-life attitude towards the driver  who may or may not be at fault.  No one believes that the system will make insurance company settle the claim of the victim.
  • We don't trust our fellow citizens to honestly pay their electricity bills.  As it would be grossly unfair to have to share in the burden imposed by non-payers, we choose to join them by hook or by crook.
  • We don't trust any selection process to be fair.  So everyone puts in his best efforts in influencing the process and the selectors.
  • We don't trust the government to provide us good governance using the taxes collected from us.  So we try to evade paying taxes if we can.
The list could go on and on.
Any prescriptions for treating this DDS?