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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Religious Freedom or freedom from religion?

Most people must find the almost universal emphasis on religious freedom puzzling. After all it means condemning each new born human being to the many obsolete and illogical beliefs nurtured by his parents and community.  A child has no option but to absorb and soak in all that he sees and hears.  There is no questioning at this stage.  And later in adulthood, questions arise from the solid foundation of such non-knowledge and are seldom directed at it.  Though it will not at all be easy, some may be able to shrug off this imbibed non-knowledge later in life.  However the majority are stuck with them and condemned to defend the second-hand irrational belief system as their own.

Clever power mongers find such majority very handy.  The religion not only provides a strong glue to hold this majority together for political purposes, but can also be used as a carrier for their own political agenda which are then accepted with the same credulity that is accorded to the carrier.  Is this why the irrational belief systems under the label of religions are accorded a certain deference by politicians world over?

Governments that wish their citizens well must therefore do all to liberate future generations from the stranglehold of religion.  The first step could be to positively discourage all religious instructions during childhood and make attending schools with secular curriculum compulsory.  What the world and our future generations need is not religious freedom but freedom from religions.