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A compilation of the blog posts up to first quarter of 2016 has been published and is available on Smashwords, Amazon (Kindle store), and Google Books.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Cooking and Governance

This post isn't really about cooking. But cooking as a metaphor seems to be so well suited to describing the situation and hence the strange juxtaposition of cooking and governance - two very different skills. Though, you could always say that it is not so. Why else would an earlier prime minister be said to have had a kitchen cabinet?

Well, the story goes like this. A bad cook once thought, "If I can't give them good food, let them have more." So instead of improving his cooking skills he started forcing huge helpings down everyone's throat. Of course you can't fault his intentions. Let them miss the taste but not go low on nutrition! That is what he thought. Perhaps the cook wasn't aware of the consequences of overfeeding or, may be, he didn't care.

You could also think of a doctor who knew that the patient had a bad nurse and that the nurse was sure to miss out some of the prescribed doses. So the doctor doubles or triples the dose in the hope that it will average out to the prescription.

Our governments seem to be functioning like this cook or the doctor. The policing and the judicial system, all directly or indirectly controlled by the politicians, do not seem to be delivering the desired results. Crimes and indiscipline are on the rise. Yet, hardly do you find a politician who would talk of reforming the police or the judiciary. Instead they will all agree on increasing the penalty. It is exactly like the cook forcing more down hapless eaters' throats or the doctor tripling the dosage in the hope that every once in a while the nurse will remember to give the medicine to the patient.

The recently proposed revision of fines for traffic offences to astronomical sums is a step like this and will only worsen the situation. What is required is efficient implementation of existing rules and penalties, and better documentation on the roads and a better design. If something needs to be increased it is not the penalties but the quality of design and documentation and enforcement of rules. We all know that, more often than not, you will either find no signage telling you that a road is one way or find it at the exit! Our roads seldom have a signage telling one whether an U turn is permitted or not; the rule exists only in the head of the policeman if one is there. A four-way stop or rules determining the right of way are nowhere to be found. And since there are so many ambiguities, whenever a VIP is on the road all traffic is stopped and rules given the go-by. Doing away with this practice could be one single big reform so the VIPs could understand the problems created by their inefficient implementation machinery.

The proposed revision also gives rise to an unholy suspicion. Is the government trying to emulate some of our industrialists who pay for all the resources, including the human ones, at very Indian rates, but want to price their products at par with those made in US and priced in USD? Of course, they don't bother to bring the quality at par too. You will notice that most of the proposed fines are closer to the fines levied in USA or Europe than the capacity to pay of an average Indian. And there is no effort to improve the quality of enforcement and the roads.

Click here to read an earlier blog post to get an idea of the state of affairs today.

Executive Summary - We want GOOD governance and not more of the governance that we already have!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Strange Story of An Emperor

This is the story of an emperor who, as behoves an emperor, had a vast army of servants (AOS.)  The emperor was earlier subjugated by another power and this subjugation lasted a long time.  This alien power created a new AOS and gradually turned it into spies and tormentors.  This AOS helped the aliens in draining the gigantic treasury of the emperor.

This AOS persisted in its ways even after the Emperor somehow manged to wiggle out of alien's subjugation.  The struggle left the Emperor quite weak and this helped the AOS in their nefarious designs.  Some of the emperor's own people who were clever enough to conserve their energy for later took quick steps to occupy the alien's positions saying that the order and structure must be preserved.  The collusion that earlier existed between the aliens and the AOS was restored between these clever people and the AOS.  These clever people called themselves Netas and so we will call them Ns.  As the euphoria of casting off subjugation wore off, the emperor started getting restless and irritable.  To placate him, he was told that that Ns will rule in his name and he will have the right to periodically choose new Ns if he was not happy with the current set.  After all, he was a free emperor now.

The emperor had by now been pushed out of the inner sanctums of his palace.  He could often be seen loitering in the gardens with despair writ large on his face.  Ns and AOS were quietly slipping into spaces that were part of the sanctum sanctorum.

Nimble Ns, existing and aspiring, were quick to form a closed group and make it difficult for newcomers to break into their fold.  The ongoing loot of the treasury nurtured them financially and helped them in this venture.  At the same time they subdivided themselves into groups to keep the emperor from feeling that he was left without a choice.

The emperor took time but ultimately saw through this game.  With great efforts he succeeded into smuggling one of his own people into the closed group of Ns with a mandate to restore emperor's supremacy.  This chap advocated that important decisions be taken by the emperor himself instead of the vast hierarchy of his AOS.  As he opposed the organized hierarchy, Ns were quick to label him as anarchist and they made anarchist sound like Antichrist.

However, looking to the fact that this new chap, let us call him NC, was too close to the emperor, the closed group of Ns brought forward the best of them who acknowledged the damage done to the kingdom by all the other subgroups and promised to undo all of this.  The Emperor was persuaded into appointing him the head N, the servant-in-chief.  He sincerely hoped that the existing hierarchy will be reformed and made responsive to the emperor by this very different N.

The emperor started to feel frustrated as he didn't find any real change in the whole scheme of things.  The new N, a strong advocate of hierarchy, is now seen to be advocating that emperor directly question any member of AOS who may have caused him a grievance.  He says that no one above or below the grievance causing member of AOS is to be questioned.  After all each one of them, right up to new N, has been appointed in the name of the emperor only.

When everyone is responsible for himself only, this seems akin to a state of anarchy that was so ridiculed and condemned by the new N.  This confused the emperor.  The confusion notwithstanding, he asked NC to follow this advice.  However when the NC tried doing so with some of the departments in the section entrusted to him, he was told by the offenders that they were not responsible to him!

Now, dear readers, do we have anarchy or don't have it?  And if we have it who is its champion? How can the emperor salvage his position? An INR (67 to an USD) for your thoughts.