Being advanced in age, I often think of organ donation as an act of compassion. However what deters me is the thought that it might go to a corrupt and powerful person who can easily pull strings in a system that isn't exactly known for its uprightness, instead of to a more deserving recipient. This will be an unethical act and I wouldn't want to be a party to it.
In my opinion, a person who wants to pledge organ donation in his lifetime should be allowed to specify eligibility criteria for the ultimate recipient. Such an instrument should be legally binding on the deceased's legal heirs too. That will rule out any chance of influence or money entering the picture.
As the time available for selecting a recipient is short in case of cadaver donation, a prospective donor should be encouraged to give multiple criterion and also a negative list if he wishes to. For example, if I were to opt for donation, I wouldn't want my organs to go to a politician wielding power unless I have explicitly named him in my criteria list.
In case a person dies intestate in this matter, the right to choose a recipient must remain with his legal heirs. It cannot be given to a system known for its callousness. If money or influence has to enter the picture, let the benefit go to the heirs rather than a corrupt official.