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Friday, February 14, 2014

Constitutional fanatics!

Whether or not one holds religion to be good, I am sure we all agree that religious fanaticism of any hue is bad, bad, bad.  It is so because religious fanaticism has little to do with religion.  It uses religion as a tool to advance its hideous agenda and its practitioners violate the very core of the religion that they use and also profess to adhere to.

I find something similar happening in the political arena too.  Those who have defiled the political system and democratic institutions by encouraging muscle and money power in politics and looting the treasury, those who have actively suppressed merit for creating vote banks, those who have divided the electorate along all imaginable lines, and also those who probably cannot properly spell the word constitution, have all come together to defend the constitution!  To their mind creating unruly scenes, walking up to the speaker's table and pointing a finger in his face, and also advising him on how to discharge his duties in a tone befitting a terrorist, are all very valid and constitutional means of defending the holy constitution.

And yet we all know that their hearts bleed not for the constitution but for the fruits of power that the public has had the temerity to deny them.  They all profess to be supporting the Lokpal bill, but they want it to be introduced constitutionally.  This will give them enough time to toss it around till it recedes from public memory.  This is the trick that they have been playing for over sixty years and that they would like to perpetuate.  We have all suffered this farce for too long and it is strange that some people still advocate patience and following all the silly rules invented with the sole purpose of browbeating change seekers.

AAP is a ray of hope and we must not let the old guard fool us into thinking that they are the fanatics that we need to guard against.

1 comment:

  1. The things are changing fast. We will have o join the movement. The ray of hope generated by AAP will not dashed. it will definitely continue. anil jain
