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Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Dice Is The God!

Einstein once famously said that God doesn't play dice with us.  This was a reaction to Quantum Mechanics which considers matter as waves of probability.  Einstein's world was one of absolute order and predictability.  Most humans know from firsthand experience that the world, as we experience it, is not really so.

These days I spend some time each day playing Sudoku.  When playing at the evil level, I am seldom able to solve the puzzle without making a few, sometimes upto half a dozen guesses.  I find that each game seems to have a probability tag attached to it, though it is mostly binary, i.e., 0 or 1.  So when the tag is one, nearly all my guesses turn out to be correct.  When it is 0, nearly all guesses go wrong.  Only in an insignificant number of games do I find some going wrong and the others correct.  Each game is either like a good day when everything seems to be going your way or like a bad one where everything is going against you.

Each human life, too, seems to be marked with a probability tag.  The value on the tag is determined by the country, the period as also the family in which you are born.  Yes, each place has a tag and each time period has one too.

This probability is what we adore and what we fear.  It is this probability that we pray to be raised in our favour when we worship whichever God we believe in.  In a sense this probability is the God!

And this is why in societies that manage to reduce inequalities and insecurities to the bare minimum, people tend towards atheism.  There is no dice to worship, except, perhaps the genes that determine the quality of your existence.  In India we do consider parents equivalent to deities - मात्रृ देवो भव, पित्रृ देवो भव.

It seems that here is a hierarchy of probability tags too.  I may be born with a tag of below 50%.  But I may go to a place at a time that have high value tags attached to them.  These tags, though subordinate to my life tag, may cause a higher overall value attaching to my existence in that place in that period.  If the dice is the God, this could be considered to be polytheism.

To be sure favorable and unfavorable have meaning only for the sentient beings.  So essentially my surmise is that each frame of reference (place and time) and each consciousness therein has a probability value that has a definite bias peculiar to it.  The favorable and unfavorable occurrences are seldom equal over the entire lifetime, but have a definite skew one way or the other.

If you subscribe to this conjecture, there is a beautiful corollary.  After all, it is just a game, a game of dice, that we are playing even if it seems to be going decisively against one.

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