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Monday, September 25, 2017

DIY - What A Relief!

When I bought my split AC, the salesman took pains to drive the point home that the installation and three services during the first year were free.  Two months later, I called the customer care and could manage to reach a human being after navigating the labyrinthine IVR menu.  He first confirmed all my contact details and then confirmed the model and month of purchase before registering my request for service.

It was only after the service technician arrived, almost at lunch time, that I could find a link between the prohibitive cost of the AC and prohibition!  The chap informed me that the three free services will consist of two 'dry' and one 'wet' service.  Being curious, I asked him, against his advice, to do the wet service first.

After the fellow had put his bag down and taken a good look at the AC, he asked me for the original invoice.  Having inspected it, he inquired if there was a stepladder in the house, which was duly brought.  He climbed up, took off the front cover of the indoor unit and handed it to me with a request to put it down carefully.  Next in the list of ever unfolding demands, he asked for a bowl of soap water, a toothbrush, two pieces of cleaning cloths.  By the time he finished, the white floor tiles directly below the unit had become quite a mess.

Once he was done with the room unit, he carried the stepladder to the outdoor unit and asked for a water hose and a piece of string to tie to the nearest tap.  Not finding the tap pressure good enough, he asked me if there was a pump and a direct tap.  He was shown the tap, and the motor was switched on.  After he finished, the wall on which the unit was mounted and the floor below it had become pretty dirty.  When pointed out, he did spray some water on the wall to wash it.

It must not be difficult to visualize that instead of watching and enjoying the free service, I was kept on my toes all along.  Finally the fellow got his service report signed and stepped out.  He had barely started his motorcycle when my household help came to me and conveyed her displeasure at having to clean the floor once again.  She also recommended that next time I should call the technician early in the morning before her arrival.  I was pretty exhausted.

It was pretty late by the time I recovered and sat down for my lunch.  The lunch did help to somewhat lift my sagging spirits.

And it was at this point that I resolved to service my AC myself (DIY - Do It Yourself,) free services notwithstanding.  I have been doing a pretty good job of it and I always do it early in the morning to avoid the wrath of my maid and delayed lunch.  It is such a huge relief.

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