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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Persistent Nausea

What causes nausea?  I am aware of two reasons.  You may have eaten something that had its inedibility masked by strong flavours or there is a mismatch between sensory input from two of more organs - as happens in seasickness.

I feel quite nauseous these days, do you too?  What may be the reason?

For sure there is a terrible mismatch between the gloomy signals that we get from managing our own budgets and affairs, and the incessant chatter of relentless progress, investment pouring in, the globe fawning to us and a certain face staring at you from all the directions seeking your acquiescence, and whose intent gaze you cannot avoid at any place or time.  There is absolutely nothing that confirms your feeling of gloom except what you feel in your guts.  Any voices that once provided a confirmation have gradually been muffled into total silence.  Is it this terrible and stark mismatch that make you and me nauseous?

Or is it something that we have eaten? A forbidden fruit, lured by painstakingly applied colour and fragrance to mask its real ones that could have warned us?  And having ingested it we are not unable to get it out of our system, and hence the persistent nausea.

Think hard and find a cure lest this permanent nausea should kill you by making it impossible for you to ingest anything healthy that is good for you.

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